A lot of people are now suffering from various mental health issues and their physical health too isn’t doing any better. However, every new year presents another opportunity to find new and sustainable ways to take care of our physical and mental health.


Many health experts state that exercising for a short amount of time is better than not working out at all. A lot of us harbor the perception that we have to go to the gym every single day of the week and put in hours of hard exercise. That is not true at all.

Even 30 minutes of workout per day is good enough for your body to remain fit. However, reaching a certain body shape requires more effort. But, even with that goal in mind, it is perfectly sufficient if you work out 3 to 4 days a week.

Many health experts state that exercising for a short amount of time is better than not working out at all

Fitness experts suggest the following trends to adopt to remain healthy and fit.


Yoga is a very accessible workout that can be performed anywhere. You can do yoga from the comfort of your home or you can subscribe to a daily or weekly class at a nearby location. Due to some developments in technology, yoga has become an anywhere and anytime activity.

Doing yoga at a nearby park with a group of people during lunch hours has become a common way to squeeze in a daily workout without placing too much stress on both your body and your busy schedule.


Rowing has become a popular workout to grow your muscles in the United Kingdom. In fact, a separate studio dedicated to rowing has been founded, named the Engine Room.


The trend of meditation has been there for a while but it grew especially popular in 2018. Meditating is a great way to unwind our brain and de-stress during or after a stressful day. You can meditate for as long as you want. It can be for an hour or just 3 minutes. The act of meditation truly sets a relaxed tone for the day by helping us disconnect from all the stresses coming our way.

Yoga is a very accessible workout which can be performed anywhere. You can do yoga from the comfort of your home or you can subscribe to a daily or weekly class


People are now becoming conscious of eating healthy and are also more mindful of their diet as well. Being healthy does not mean eating salads and restricting the consumption of everything else you love to eat.

A healthy and mindful diet focuses on portion control and not food control. Whatever you consume, if not consumed in moderation, can become harmful to your body. Hence, aim to maintain a healthy and mindful diet this year by controlling the amount of what you eat, rather than only focusing on what that may be.


There is a widespread perception that, in order to maintain optimal fitness, you must indulge in adequate exercise. However, not every kind of exercise is for everyone. While for some people running around the block may be enough to maintain optimal health, for others, hitting the gym for an intensive workout is what’s required to burn off that extra body fat.

Since a lot of thought is being put into the kinds of workouts people do on a daily basis, there are a few that have been trending. Among these is HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, which has become popular not only because it produces exceptional results, but mostly because you can perform all the exercises within this training method in less than 30 minutes. It is a great feature for a fast-paced life, especially as more and more millennials are entering the workforce and looking for quick ways to remain fit.

While for some people running around the block may be enough to maintain optimal health, for others hitting the gym for an intensive workout is what’s required to burn off that extra body fat

Group Trainings have also risen in popularity as it has become very easy for people to find like-minded workout buddies through social media. Mass group workouts organized through social media event pages have become especially popular, gathering people in a single locality to perform certain exercises, sort of like a military bootcamp.

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